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You will find many great Health and Safety articles in this section. Our goal is to bring you the highest quality content that you want to read. If you have any suggestions for future articles, please contact us.

Health and Safety Articles:

1: Health and Safety Policy

Why do I need a Health and Safety Policy? Under UK Legislation if you employ 5 or more people then you require a safety policy. This policy will set out the requirements for management and ...

By: Admin

2: Health and Safety Signs - What Do They Mean

We see signs almost anywhere we go. When we dine in restaurants, we read the entrance and exit signs. We also see signs pointing us to the emergency exits. Signs also keep things in order. It tells...

By: Brian Ayling

3: Health and Safety Culture

It should be every person's objective to maintain the highest standard of health and safety in the workplace. There are rules and regulations that govern this issue. Each employee should be made aware...

By: Janno G. C. Damgaard Janno G. C. Damgaard

4: What Occupational Health and Safety Entails

Occupational Health and Safety is all about providing health and safety measures in different sectors and work environments. The implantation of these different training programs has reduced the numbe...

By: Kelly Hunter

5: The Occupational Health and Safety Act

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) is a United States federal law which oversees health and safety in both the public and private workplace sectors. Signed into law by President Nixon in 19...

By: Joseph Devine

6: Health and Safety - It Makes Good Cents

Data shows that small businesses that have health and safety procedures in place reduce their injury and illness costs by 20 percent and even up to 40 percent. Nearly 95 percent of business owners rep...

By: Brent A Bowlin

7: Health and Safety Training

OSHA (the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has been working in the field of health and occupational safety. It is helping different sectors with its health and safety training pr...

By: Bikash Kalita

8: Health and Safety at Work

Not many would be aware of this, but the government has legislation for health and safety of people at work. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires the employers to have proper health and...

By: Nash B

Health and Safety Related Articles:

What Occupational Health and Safety Entails

Occupational Health and Safety is all about providing health and safety measures in different sectors and work environments. The implantation of these different training programs has reduced the number of incidents and injuri...

By: Kelly Hunter

Health and Safety - It Makes Good Cents

Data shows that small businesses that have health and safety procedures in place reduce their injury and illness costs by 20 percent and even up to 40 percent. Nearly 95 percent of business owners report that health and safet...

By: Brent A Bowlin

Health and Safety Training

OSHA (the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has been working in the field of health and occupational safety. It is helping different sectors with its health and safety training programs. Because of its tr...

By: Bikash Kalita

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